5 Tips For Aspiring Entrepreneurs

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5 Tips for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Taking the plunge to become an entrepreneur can be daunting. There are a lot of fears and stories we run in our head that can talk us out of going after our dream business.

That’s why I have put together my top 5 tips for aspiring entrepreneurs to help you get started on the right track.

  1. Focus on personal growth.

For an entrepreneur, training your mind to overcome self-doubt, fears, and negative emotions can not only help you when things aren’t going right, but also help you achieve success. A great way to train your mind is starting the day with meditation. According to Deepak Chopra, ten minutes of meditation in the morning and at night will help you stop the momentum of any unwanted thoughts and energy, and help you remain focused. Personally, I love to read inspirational books or listen to spiritual thought leaders to align myself with my goals. Some of my faves are by John Demartini and Abraham Hicks.

  1. Surround yourself with successful people.

Ever heard the saying “stand on the shoulders of giants?” Surrounding yourself with high achievers can give you the motivation to strive further on your own path. Seek mentors in your field who have achieved personal and business success, but, most importantly, who also want to see you succeed. Can’t get access to personal mentors? Attend seminars or networking events that involve people having the kind of success you would like to achieve. I reach out to people I admire on LinkedIn and offer to buy them coffee. If you compliment them and let them know why you admire them, more often than not, they will give you an opportunity to have some time with them.

  1. Understand your personal mission.

A mission statement isn’t just for a company. You too can write your own life mission statement! Actually, I insist you do. Not sure what your mission is? Write down what you would like to BE, DO, and HAVE in your life – in that order. Take a look at how you spend your time and what you think about most. Focusing on who and where you want to be will help you stay focused, and will guide and keep you on your path to success.

  1. Remove toxic people and behaviours.

Let's face it – not all your friends are going to be supportive of the fact that you’ve swapped hanging out with them on weekends with working on your new business. I must admit I’ve suffered from FOMO (fear of missing out) syndrome after seeing my friends on social media having fun without me. However, for me, nothing beats getting a good night's rest and getting up early meditating and exercising to feel good when I’m trying to achieve my goals. Now, toxic behaviour isn't just about “bad influence” friends. Fatigue from overworking and taking on too much while trying to do your schoolwork can also take its toll, so taking time out to de-stress and hang out with uplifting friends can do wonders for your energy and motivation.

  1. Make time to be creative.

The week is usually filled with study, family time and everyday tasks that can leave you feeling drained and having no time to do the things that inspire you with your new business idea. Finding time on the weekend works best for me as I’m able to spend time on my own and focus on the creative aspects of my business that require a certain kind of concentration. These typically are writing and creating new products or services. If you’ve got a lot of schoolwork to do finding time outside study hours might be a better option for you. Just remember that everyone’s lifestyle is different, so it's a matter of finding what works best for you.

By Christie Whitehill 

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