Tech Ready Women Academy Blog

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Applications for the TRW Investment Ready Program (Queensland and National cohorts) are OPEN!

What's been happening at Tech Ready Women

Why Every Start-Up Needs Clear Accounts

Maintaining your finances and staying on top of accounting tasks can get challenging if you are a start-up business focused on growth and the delivery of high-quality products and services.

As the...

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Behind the scenes: Ready, Set, Launch!

Last week we ran our very first workshop of the Tech Ready Program at the EY Centre on George Street. The room was buzzing with inspired, empowered and fearless women who were ready to take their...

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Behind the Scenes: Prototype and Test Your Product on a Shoestring Budget

After learning about MVP’s and the different ways to build the very first version of your product,  the next step is to design it. Paper prototyping is a quick and cost-effective method...

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Behind the Scenes: The First Version of Your Product

Building your first tech product doesn’t have to be hard and time-consuming

Adam Faulkner founder at Blueegg, a User Experience Agency, was the presenter for our workshop this week that cover...

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Think less and act more on your tech startup idea

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Important Lessons From Failures

Fear of failure is cited as the biggest reason people don’t start businesses, however as our mentors show failure is an incredibly valuable opportunity to learn and grow.

We asked the Tech...

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How to use growth hacking to grow your business?

Growth Hacking is the buzz word of the marketing world, with Facebook community groups, podcasts and blogs proposing exciting new hacks to grow your brand online. With so many new ideas it’s...

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5 tips on making your startup a success

The tech industry is ripe for female intervention. Here are five ways to get your ideas off the ground and keep them succeeding.

Australia is a hotbed for startups, particularly the eastern...

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Meet the Former Atlassian Product Manager Who Turned her “Hobby to Hustle”

Meet Helen, she’s a former Atlassian Product Manager and the founder of Lime Tree Bower, a floral design and event styling studio. She’s also a creative at heart, tech lover,...

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Are you marrying the right business?

Creating a new business can be overwhelming, so, just imagine being married to it!

Being married to a business that you simply don’t really like that much is really hard work.

There are many...

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